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I've just watched Cloverfield last night and miss something at the end part, wanna know what? check this post that i've retrieve from a movie site:

In today's point-counterpoint, we have Vink on one side, who's pointed out that if you brought some sort of audio recording device into Cloverfield, stayed past the credits, recorded the strange voice, then used a program to reverse that audio, you can hear a voice saying, "It's still alive." I assume everyone already did this, but here's the clip if you didn't for some reason.

But on the other hand, check out this cool website ada gambar monster atu mati, what do u think? is there going to be a 2nd movie which is either a real Cloverfield movie or a second documentary-like Cloverfield movie??

A dead monster??!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    i watched this video last year sal the bf minat.. awu lawa part headbanging dorang.. haha rugged..

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